A Better Way To Launch Your Own Online Immersion Programs...

and Serve More Clients Without Spending a Lot of Money, and Without Salesy Selling.

Picture in your mind how much better your life will be once you finally can "scale" and serve more clients -- while improving your work-life balance...

Before we go any further, however, I feel it's only fair to level with you:

I wasn't always a business mentor to Holistic Practitioners and Healers in fact, far from it...

Keep in mind that, even though today I've been very successful helping Practitioners like you overcome creating and selling programs online that used to be a time-consuming and complicated process that involved lots of technical knowledge and marketing expertise, I'm EXACTLY like you are in so many ways...

(IMAGE) This is the Platform that allows people just like us real, everyday men and women... to:

Ultimate success when it comes to create, market and sell your own online programs.

This is the Platform I use and provision to Holistic Practitioners and Healers like you to ensure you get more clients and doubling your revenue...

** This is the Platform I use and provision to Holistic Practitioners and Healers like you to deliver beautiful programs on your own site without any design or technical experience.

And now, you can experience this same success for yourself, using this all-in-one platform to build profitable Online Immersion Programs that Sell.

>>>Let me now show you the most powerful, focused, and simple step-by-step Solution to Launch your profitable Online Immersion Programs:

Hi, I'm Robert Chan, the creator of Online Immersion Platform...

The Heart Based Way To Offer beautiful online programs without spending a lot money...

This radically simple yet effective, all-in-one platform to create, market and sell your own online programs will work for you,
EVEN IF you feel as if you've tried absolutely everything!

To save your time, and mine, let me be upfront and tell you what OIP platform is NOT, before I tell you what it is...

>>> Before we go one step further, I need to be 100% honest with you:

>>> I hope you're not one of 'those' you know, someone looking to create an online program that doesn't serve or help your people with their problems to live better lives, and your not willing to do the research in spending the energy to deeply create an online program...

Something you ALREADY KNOW will never, ever work for you in the long run?

If that's you, and I'm trusting it's not, then you need to leave this website right now...

This is for Holistic Practitioners and Healers who are ready to stop struggling and start to "Scale" and serve more clients... Transformation that their work brings...

So, if you really want:

A professional OIP eLearning website portal to create and sell online programs using a eLearning Management System that’s industry LRS (Learning Record Store) compliant.
Increase Students' Social Interaction to let your students collaborate, make friends and spread their joy of learning.
Comprehensive password-protected eLearning system to provide you an easy and automated way to sell and share your expertise online.
Grow your knowledge-based business with multimedia content, generate recurring revenue from students.

Start Selling Immediately : Easily create program landing pages optimized for sales, with complete control over program delivery and pricing options.
Create Amazing Programs: Turn your existing content into dynamic courses, or build new courses using our creation tools. Full support for videos, html, PDF, quizzes, multimedia, and much more.
Build Your Brand: Keep your audience on your own site, and build your brand with free, paid, and subscription programs.

Have a full featured online Immersion programs that makes it easy for Holistic practitioners and Healers to quickly create, market, and sell courses on their your site.
Easy to use, ensuring you can get started quickly.

With all of the advanced features program creators need to build robust online program practice such as community groups, drip content, completion certificates, course ratings, student email, coupon codes and program expiry dates.

The choice for Holistic Practitioners and Healers selling one program, right up to many programs.
Receive payments directly from students through your own Stripe and PayPal accounts, immediately upon purchase.

Build your online programs with articles, audio, and video, fill your programs with paying clients, start profitable programs, sell online courses and much more.
Even better, never waste valuable time searching for tech solutions and forget hosting, maintenance, and security updates.
Focus on your business more, and your technology less.

xxxx more maybe...

Then this isn't just "a" superior platform for your Online Immersion Programs it's THE superior platform - period.

Have a look at what's included in OIP Platform, all designed to get you on the path to profitably market, sell, and deliver your expertise online. Create a website, sell online programs and grow your practice, rapidly:

xxx all features...


These Features Are All Included

Use this section to demonstrate the benefits/features of your product

Watch This Video Now To Find Out More

3 steps process to quickly, launch and sell your online programs without $$$, in 6 weeks or less.

If you're looking for the easiest, comprehensive OIP platform on the planet, then you've probably already figured out that OIP platform is your answer...

Which naturally opens the door for you to accelerate the evolution of your work...

Now, you may be thinking, "I bet any Platform that can give me all of THAT would cost a small fortune"...

And sure, that makes perfect sense, as OIP platform is worth investing in and it SHOULD cost more than it does:

Since this platform has already revolutionized the (xx OIP) industry, and the results Holistic Practitioners and Healers just like you are getting YET:

I'll cover the cost, and the discount you'll get today by ordering from this page with you in just a moment...
First, I absolutely HAVE to tell you a few of the most unique features of (xx OIP platform NAME OF PRODUCT)...

And how about the most clever way possible to Fill your online programs with paying clients WITHOUT Salesy Selling, and WITHOUT social media ads!

Listen: You're not just getting OIP platform when you order day I have A LOT more for you...
I'm gifting, for a limited time, a free bonuses so you can get there even faster, and with less stress:
This gift you'll be receiving today is (xx FYP training) find your people and fill your programs with payment clients is normally valued at $497... yours FREE today!

Now you can see why OIP platform is valued at (xxxFAUX PRICE)...

xxx earlier; need to overview cost to build a online platform of their own, the tech hassles, etc....

Yet, that price is NOT for you I have a much better deal headed your way, so by all means keep reading...

Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the path you're on now.
xxx And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the investment you'll make today in OIP platform in (COSTS FROM NOT TAKING ACTION)...

And that's just not what I desire for you!
So, let's just make this an easy decision for you today, okay?

I feel you deserve to know why I'm offering you such a massive discount today...
*** Look: You deserve to know why I'm offering you such a massive discount today...

Let me share my vision with you: it's a CAUSE I'm inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready to:
And, in so doing, inspire thousand, if not millions of others Holistic Practitioners and Healers, just like you... here's how:

Recently I was inspired to start a "cause"... on that would end the struggle for millions of people who wake up each day hating their lives, feeling lonely although their in a relationship and in pain due to their poor health... and that means:

(SUPER BIG PICTURE OF YOUR CAUSE) - Have a look at the vision:
(SUPER BIG PICTURE OF YOUR CAUSE) - Can you picture it with me?

So, I came to the decision that I need to let as many Holistic Practitioners and Healers into this cause as possible for the benefit of everyone...

The Good News?
I simply cannot let "price" get in the way of you achieving YOUR (xxx OIP) goals, as well as helping me make a positive impact on the world...

*** xxx This means you won't even come close to paying (xxx FAUX PRICE + BONUSES VALUE) for (PRODUCT/SERVICE) today only, and only on this page...

Your total investment today, including (OIP platform), PLUS all the FYP training is NOW:
Just US$ 167 monthly
US$ 447 quarterly (20% further discount)

Click on the (COLOR/SHAPE OF ORDER BUTTON) order button that says (EXACTLY WHAT THE BUTTON SAYS) to lock in your reduced price today for only US$ 167 monthly or US$ 447 quarterly... (INCLUDE GRAPHICS AND MAGIC BUY BUTTON)

** xxx Don't decide right now... try this ON ME for (60 DAYS OF GUARANTEE)... in fact, use my TRIPLE GUARANTEE: (ADD GRAPHICS AS DESCRIBED IN TUTORIAL VIDEO)

I want you to try (OIP platform) ON ME for a full 60 days...
If you do not (BENEFIT RELATED TO GOAL)... OR:
xxx** all i ask you show you've done the work...
I'll gladly refund your purchase price:

I've got one more surprise for you... it's only valid if you act today, before leaving this page?
I'm going to include in your package today a "super bonus" worth over US$ 780... this bonus ALONE is worth more than the price of the entire platform (OIP platform)!

** xxx Your first program Installation, done for you. Fast Track Implementation

By acting today, only on this page, you will get it ALL -- OIP platform, plus the bonuses I covered earlier worth xxx (EARLIER BONUS TOTAL), PLUS the "super bonus" (installation first program Fast Track Implementation NAME OF SUPER BONUS) worth (VALUE OF SUPER BONUS) for a measly (REAL PRICE)!

Remember: It's not just a fantastic bargain you'll be receiving today...
You'll be joining in (YOUR CAUSE IF APPLICABLE)
Plus, you'll join the ever-growing (PRODUCT/SERVICE) community/family/community forum/satisfied customer community...

Click the (COLOR) (SHAPE) button below for INSTANT ACESS... no delays, no waiting... and let's get you started TODAY...
Remember: this includes, today only, your "Super Bonus": (installation NAME OF SUPER BONUS), worth (US$ 780 VALUE OF SUPER BONUS)!

So your order will be smooth and easy today, I want to show you EXACTLY what to expect after you click the order button below:
First, you'll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page, which looks like this: (GRAPHIC OF YOUR CHECKOUT PAGE ON THIS SLIDE OR NEXT)
(GRAPHIC OF CHECKOUT PAGE) ** Point out specific features, where to enter information, etc. **
Once you've ordered, you'll see some VIP-ONLY options I have for you in order to fully customize your (PRODUCT/SERVICE) membership...

xxx schedule your on-boarding consultation with our client care team

It's That Simple!

You Must Remember : You've been struggling with your (GOAL) far too long...
And the pain of continuing without taking action will only lead to more despair, more frustration...
And continued (OPPOSITE OF GOAL)...
YET: You can choose instead to use the Fast Track (OIP GOAL) principles found in (OIP platform) and experience something totally unique...

Imagine, right now, the moment you finally have the answer you've been looking for, as you being your journey to (GOAL) freedom...
You are FREE... at peace, knowing you are right on target as you achieve your (GOAL) goals...

Yes, it's true: Your (OPPOSITE OF GOAL), up until today, has largely been no fault of your own...
You've been deceived for years by noise of mass media, social media marketing and what nots and quick-fix (GOAL) 'solutions'...
The fad (BAD SOLUTION) you may have tried...
Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility:
And take the action you KNOW is necessary today to put you on the track to REAL (GOAL) results, using a system that SIMPLY WORKS...

(GUARANTEE GRAPHICS) Here's the GOOD NEWS: unlike all those ridiculous (GOAL) gimmicks, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you:
I'm asking you right now to just try (PRODUCT/SERVICE) for (GUARANTEE LENGTH) full days, on me... either you are thrilled with your (GOAL), or you pay nothing.
Plus, I never leave you hanging... either myself or my Support Team get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you'll always feel take care of...

Immediately after you buy today, you need to do this: (INSTRUCTIONS)...
Head over to page X (or Do X if this is a service) so you can discover (WHAT TO SEE OR DO)... this will ENSURE you get started quickly...
(WHAT TO SEE OR DO) helps get you off on the right foot so you too can see/experience/get (MORE INFORMATION HERE)...

Remember: Along with (FEATURE FROM LAST SLIDE), you'll also be receiving...
** Note: be sure to emphasize ONE benefit per item. For example, "The PRODUCT NAME... this is your step-by-step SOLUTION to (GOAL)... **

Listen, don't put this off a second longer... let me tell you WHY:
First, remember if you will that I've lowered the price of (PRODUCT/SERVICE) by (DOLLAR FIGURE)... just to ensure price wasn't a factor...
You just need to realize that I'm going to have to eventually raise the price, as that's only fair...

So be SURE to act today, before simple economics forces me to increase the price, okay?
And, you also don't want to miss out on (NAME OF SUPER BONUS), which is reserved ONLY for first-come action-takers...
Only the first-comers get access to this bonus... everyone else will be out of luck...
YOu may do what so many others do and put it off... you know, for "a few more days?"... which turns into months... even years?

So, now we both know what you REALLY want and need:

Get my online-only limited-time discount while it's still available to you, and before someone else takes your spot...
And take the wise, sane, and savvy path to (GOAL) success, starting right now:
**And get on the fast track to (GOAL) success using the smartest, most proven System for (GOAL) on the planet...
(ALL GRAPHICS ON PAGE) CLICK the (COLOR) (SHAPE) (BUTTON TEXT) button below right now, and let's get you started today! (Pause before Q&A)

Here are the most common questions I receive about (NAME OF PRODUCT/SERVICE), and the answers to help you out:
** Note: your questions should be based on known objections, and include a reminder to click the order button after every other question **

Training covers...

How to take your deeply personal and customised WORK and turn it into a profitable online immersion program...

✔ The framework to easily record & create your OIP without high costs and create a POWERFUL TRANSFORMATIONAL experience for your clients...

✔ Pricing, Packaging, & Positioning: An online immersion program THAT SELLS.

✔ ...AND how to do ALL of this without technical skills.

OIP are only as good as their core features, which is why we have incorporated only the best, most relevant features into our platform based on community feedback.

We have made sure that the absolute necessary functionality is not only included, but using it doesn’t take rocket science! From this solid foundation, you have the freedom to mold and modify your OIP so that it is ideal for you.

Want to see these in action? Head on over to the Demo Site!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's a selection of frequently asked questions from our customers

  • q-iconCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.

    Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec sed odio dui. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.

  • q-iconPraesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.

    Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

  • q-iconNullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.

    Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed odio dui. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean eu leo quam.

  • q-iconEtiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

    Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

  • q-iconDonec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

    Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.

  • q-iconMaecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

    Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Check out these Real Reviews from Our Customers

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Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson Company Inc.

Quisque sit amet venenatis sapien. Pellentesque tincidunt orci ac sagittis dignissim. Fusce fringilla magna ligula, vel condimentum risus tempus sit amet. Etiam viverra tincidunt ligula, a dictum erat consequat sed.

Laura Overton
Laura Overton Another Company Inc.

Get Access Now For only US$ 440 per Quarter

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